Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Bet

For audio click here 
“I bet you can’t fit inside it?” Mark said.
“I’m not that fat!” Nick replied.
“Show us then fatso,” Will added.
“I don’t need to,” Nick look resigned to the fact that despite his protestations, he would have to climb in to prove he wasn’t obese.
The three boys had looked at the chest freezer sitting on the pavement. They had opened and closed it, walked around it, sat on it and now they were ready for the ultimate challenge.
‘C’mon fatso, or are you scared.” Mark said.
“Scared like a little girl.” Will echoed.
“Fuck you, hold this,” he gave Will his school bag, “just don’t close the lid,” he said as he climbed into the freezer.
Of course he fitted, there was room for all three of them in there, but the other two weren’t going to get in. They snapped the lid shut and laughed and laughed until their lungs hurt.
“Let me out you bastards,” Nick cried but the boys just laughed. “Let me out, I’m dying.”
“Oi, get away from there,” Mark and Will looked up to see an angry looking man coming towards them. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”
“But…” Will said.
“No buts,” he yelled. “get away.”
“Now,” the man didn’t look like he was going to take no for an answer.
Mark and Will retreated a few steps and watched the man load the freezer onto a flatbed lorry that they hadn’t noticed before.
“What are we going to do now?” said Will.
“I don’t fucking know, ”Mark said,
“Why isn’t Nick screaming?”
“He’s probably scared, or…dead.” Mark moved forward. “Oi mate.”
“Boys, didn’t I tell you guys to go away, now piss off.”  
Mark took his phone out and dialled a number.
“Who are you calling?”
“Sssh. Police please.”
“Hi, there’s a man kidnapping our friend.”
Will looked on open mouthed as Mark gave the police the details of the lorry and the man about to drive it away. “Well, he just grabbed our Nick and threw him in the freezer, then he loaded the thing on that lorry and now is about to drive off with our friend, please help.” An imaginary tear ran down Mark’s face.
Within seconds they heard the sirens and saw the blue flashing lights.

Coppers swarmed the lorry, pulling a very confused looking man out of the cab and a very scared teenager out of a freezer.

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